March 29, 2012


"Right now, we don't know how things are going to work out. Which means that rite now, you don't have to think too hard just do what you can, what you want to do." Fai - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Is that means "don't think just do?" Well, I don't know what to think actually, I want to got some scholarship on Japan. Obviously, there are many scholarship outta there yah, but to be honest, I don'thave that much confidence to got some of, but I really want to try, it'll be lota fun if I'd be the one of. It's my dream actually, to study abroad, so scholarship is the only answer I had. It will be so muuuuch fun. But I've got to try, adolescence is not to be wasted, if there's a possibility way outta there, I've got to try *inhale.. exhale*. I really really need a extra bunch or fortunes. I'm hoping so. Fighting :)

March 27, 2012

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time is so unpredictable rite?
The only thing you know is it passed by so fast. Time is like river, it never flows back, it goes on through anything. You used to wish that you had a remote control. Controlling time. How selfish people can be. How selfish you. How selfish me. Regretting the past, missed chances and stuck in the moment, realized when it's too late. Hoping for skip now-time avoid pain that might kills you. You wish you can just pause, stop, or forward the time. The only thing you learn is never underestimate the time. Procrastinate is just an awful thing. Capitalize on the time, leave no regret. Time is limited.

March 26, 2012

March 10, 2012


"Someday I will step Point Zero, do hanami, drive the gondola, and draw kebab on Turkey"

March 9, 2012

Photo Box

Today is such a fun! It's friday, it's like a short day you know eh.
I took photobox with my fellas. I feel kinda sad, it's my senior year, and it's only about one month over the exam, that means I ran out the time. Argh, I don't know what to think whether someday I'll entered the college. High school is delightful yeah, but life must go on :)

This is it, I slip in the photos, I know I'll missed this time so damn much

 Photobox is truly a box, I mean, where it takes. It's only a small box with camera inside and some backdrop. And it's not easy to settle 16 fussy enthusiastic girls to fit on the frame, where it supposed to be just 10 person fit on. But we made it anyway, wow, I feel a lil bit proud hahaha

March 4, 2012

Beware of Tomorrow: Monday

It's been very noon on Sunday.
Aah, I really enjoyed the day, booming around all day long! Lock up my door, stay in bed, only wake to grab for some meals and pee hehe. At first, I'd inten to do some task, study, since the H-day is just 43 days ahead *sigh*, and I end up wasting time, watching movie and took some photos, what a day! Hahaha. I'll work hard on another day, promise. Long live Sundaaaay! *bow* I really really love such a day aww.  But why it seems the time passed by soooo fassst uggh. Can't believe tomorrow is just another bloody boring day hmm yeah ganbarimasu!

Dilly-dally Sunday

I took some silly photoshoot on my dilly-dally Sunday, since there's nothing to do hehe.

Pardon my silly faces :))

March 3, 2012

Aku Ada

source: google

Melukiskanmu saat senja
Memanggil namamu ke ujung dunia
Tiada yang lebih pilu
Tiada yang menjawabku selain hatiku
Dan ombak berderu

Di pantai ini kau slalu sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat ku tiba
Suaraku memanggilmu akulah lautan
Ke mana kau s'lalu pulang

Jingga di bahuku
Malam di depanku
Dan bulan siaga sinari langkahku
Ku terus berjalan
Ku terus melangkah
Kuingin kutahu engkau ada

Memandangimu saat senja
Berjalan di batas dua dunia
Tiada yang lebih indah
Tiada yang lebih rindu
Selain hatiku
Andai engkau tahu

Di pantai itu kau tampak sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat kau rasa
Pasir yang kau pijak pergi akulah lautan
Memeluk pantaimu erat

Jingga di bahumu
Malam di depanmu
Dan bulan siaga sinari langkahmu
Teruslah berjalan
Teruslah melangkah
Ku tahu kau tahu aku ada

Aku Ada - Dewi Lestari ft Arina "Mocca"

March 2, 2012


"Susah memang, tapi bukan berarti mustahil"

Dream and Make it Happens!

Selamat petang.

It's quite a hard day for me yaah. Entahlah, galau, capek, dan sampai di rumah langsung di ceritain tentang kesuksesan mbak sepupu. Nah jelas sekarang galaunya berujung pada galau pendidikan.

Mungkin ortu merasa sakit hati, soalnya anaknya yang dulu sempet ngebet jadi dokter sekarang banting setir milih jurusan yang lain. Jelas, kalau jadi dokter, aku pasti ngoyo, bener-bener ngoyo, dan mungkin suatu saat bakal meledakkan otak sendiri. Berhubung aku bukan tipe orang yang pinter mengingat dan suka angin-anginan, jadi dokter mungkin bukan pekerjaan yang cocok buatku. Akhirnya aku menyadarinya juga.

Dan si Ibu mulai ngiming-ngimingi di Malang, lagi, ah dasar plin plan, padahal ijin buat kuliah di luar kota udah kelar dari dulu (cuma boleh di Surabaya, meski aku mintanya sambil ngesot-ngesot). Kapan bisa mandiri kalau nggak pernah ngerasain hidup sendiri. Dan alasan terselubung lainnya, aku pingin keluar dari rumah ini sejenak hahaha.

Dan yah, semoga pilihanku ini benar-benar tepat, harus bisa membahagiakan orang tuaku. Harus. Harga mati. Titik notok jedok.

(ps. semoga ada malaikat membacanya dan mengamini, amin)