May 26, 2012

Perjuangan Belum Berakhir

Selamat siang!
Err.. how to begin...
Yattaaaaa, the result is not that good though, yet quite satisfied with my own answers, I refused to cheat loh huahaha
The next goal is SNMPTN wuwuwu, praying for parent's sweetest smile on the announcement day of. Amiiiiin. Fightiiiiinnggg! \m/

May 22, 2012

Dag Dig Dug

I feel pretty bad today. I caught a flu, and had no money hahaha.
Well, our graduation announcement will be confirmed this Saturday. Ah my heart is pounding, doki-doki ughhh.
Let's pray for the best result. Amen.

Oh, and another wish for money-rain in my room XD

May 20, 2012

You describe my feelings

falling into the asphalt

by *Pink-Promise

I am the city you said,
And I was every city light
Every fashion show every red carpet
And the flash lightning of every camera

You told me I was the city, so I took your hand
And never looked back, I ran through the streets
With you at my heels, laughing, smiling, living

I am the city you said, and I carved highways---;
and i blew kisses to the wind, filled the streets with seethingly fast asphalt,
everywhere i stepped, bridges waltzed apart.

You were the lights and sounds, to my cityscape
flashing and blinking against my skyscrapers;;
we melded together forming a nothingness of bliss
my city with your noises and radiance, while you shield
away the darkness.

but as this brightness grows darker and these light wingers grow heavier,
you eyes seem to be tainted with uncertainty that makes me think;
there is traffic, confusion, indecision in your sweet words and cherry pavements
you never notice that you always hold me with your right hand
but your heart; it is beating on the left side.

Once the brightness leaves the only thing left for me to do
Is to be consumed by the darkness, and hope for you to pull me back out
Your hesitation leaves me with despair
Hold me close, keep me near
I need you now more than ever for never

I'm living in this city, and my heart beats with the center of the city
ten million people living in the same city, riding the same subway in the morning and back at four o'clock rush hour,
the same people descending the same stairs
the same people boarding the same train

I'm living in this city without you at my side
Seeing you on the streets without you really there
I see your eyes and your smile on the faces of strangers
Hoping they're you, even though I know you're miles away

sometimes i think, they are all just dice and numbers and letters, thrown at random and mixed and scrambled so that it looks different every time. that it's the same people sitting opposite me, with the same sad faces and the same dark circles beneath their eyes, that it's all the same.

You make me think of all the possibilities that can't come true
All the reasons to live, to hope, to smile, to laugh
Without even saying something you fuel me indefinitely

So now tell me, why does everything I say seem cliché
And in every way that you hurt me with your wordplay
i am still here, hoping for another day
[there's nothing new under the sun]

your hair is untangling itself from my desperate grasp
your words are unscrambling themselves to form a passionate four letter word which starts 'H'
I can feel your breath growing calmer
Valentine's red is growing fader

your smiles are never shown to me again
our memories are woven together as one
but they are leaking through our heartbeats
falling falling falling onto the asphalt
and drowning in our tears

Mataaimasho, Itsuka

It's 20th May.
Did you remember? 3 years ago, we two promised to rebuilt everything we broke, made a brand new pages, together.
Yeah I remember. Aren't you?
Irony right, everything twirling and I feel like swirling. Yet I still intent to keep my own promises, and my words though. I felt every inch of pain I tore to you, while struggling the wound you incised that getting bigger every single day.
Walking out from your life, perhaps was my best gift I can give.

I hope life treats you kind. I hope you have all you've dreamed of. And I wish to you, joy and happiness.