October 31, 2013

Love her anyway

It's not worth yet to be called as best friend if she hasn't ruined your life like at least two times in a row -_-

October 28, 2013

Turning 19 on 3... 2... 1!


Wishing me all the best for infinity and beyond lol hahah!
Welcoming 19, welcoming a brand new better life, it can't be that bad right, it will be okay, it's gonna be super duper ultra okay.

I don't know whether I could buy some gift for myself this year cs I already spent my damn-whole allowance for snacks (you think I'm joking?) soo let's just consider it as a thing hahaha.

Have a blast year, me, I love me too much. And have a blast year too for you guys thanks for the wishes I know it means a lot. Soo, yeah have a nice day XD

Ps. I hope it will be a rain today. Please, God? :)

October 24, 2013


Turning 19, soon.

I'm about to be 19 something counting 3 days from now.

I don't want to grow up.

I know it sounds lame, but I still have plenty thigs to do on my imaginary to do list. And yet I've been thinking of this things, how I waste most of my time, derping around and do nothing way too much for my 18 years whole life.

I wished for a better me.

October 4, 2013

It's always nice to hear it

Hello October!

Well, do you realize how people like it, asking questions they've knew the answer is. Admit it I couldn't be the only one kan, it's a common thing I guess.

In relationship, any kind of relationship. You'd ask "do you love me?" or sort of stuffy. Mostly you will ask things to those you knew they do care about you, to those who you knew they'll answer the line that already resounding on your head.

"yes i do"

And anything else doesn't matter anymore.

It's a joy for hearing those. It's better when things left spoken.