April 27, 2012

It's you...

Small Reunion

I had a girls-day-out with my old friends yesterday. Dea, Dina, Safak. It was gwreaaaaaat. Since we're not able to see each other bcs the exams, finally we spend spare time together yattaaaaaa.
First we eat in Saboten and heading to Dina's house. Her house became our basecamp so far, probably bcs she always had a bunch of food haha. Do you believe if I told you that we made some sushi? Yeah, we made ittt, even though Dina who do all the stuffs heheh but it's really tasty loh. And we eat ice cream made by Dina and Safak for their school task. And we talk a lot, gossiping, eating, watching movies. Aaah.
Then then theeeeen in the end of the day, they made me surprised with two gift they gave me surprisingly. It's been a long time since my birthday, and they still remembered, made me touched haha. The first box contains Partikel, novel I really want to buy but I don't have some money. And they give me for giiiiiiiiift! For freeeeee! Do you believe it? Even I'm not haha. And the second box contains knitted thing, it's like a pouch, with cat-flanel as a sweet touch. It's really cuteeeeeeee! And you know what? Dea made it by herself! She should've built up sort of bussiness someday. Aah I wish we will had these moment again even when we get older. xoxo

the second box

first box's case

Dea's made. Cute eh? ^^

April 24, 2012

Wasted things are just the same afterall

Seandainya sampah punya perasaan, seandainya tisu sekali pakai punya perasaan, seandainya remah-remah penghapus punya perasaan..
Kamu bisa mati dihantui perasaan bersalah.
Setidaknya, dalam kehidupan nyata, kamu cuma perlu berurusan dengan perasaan orang yang pernah kamu buang. Setidaknya, Tuhan tidak pernah menambah bebanmu. Bersyukurlah.

April 22, 2012

Cuplikan Puisi Tomat

and you thought the fireflies
that flew into your eyes formed a dream,
the one you kept guessing the meaning of.

but in time you will know,
whenever a firefly lands on a petal of your cheeks
that very moment it is I whom you think of.

A little conversation with a little mirror

It's almost been 6 years and you still can't kick him out of your mind. How impressing you are. Countless agonizing just from one person, and you still love him that deep. How stupid you are. How many sweet words he gave you, how many heartbreak, how many broken promise, how many empty hope? You still don't get it yet? You knew his sorry means nothing, you knew he didn't mean it from the bottom of his heart, you knew his apologize wouldn't change anything, and yet, you made him as the center of your gravity? You must the real stupid person ever. Ever


UNAS was doooone. Huahahahaha I feel glad uyeah, the tests was hard though, but I do my best.
Sisanya biar kuserahkan pada Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. I really hope the result will be gwreaaat Amen *pray*

April 13, 2012

Can I read your mind?

Jadi, beritahu aku, dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 10, berapa kalikah aku melintas di pikiranmu, setiap jengkal tiga puluh menit, dalam satu hari?

Jadi, beritahu aku, dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 10, berapa kalikah kau ingin memelukku, setiap jengkal tiga puluh menit, dalam satu hari?

Jadi, beritahu aku, dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 10, berapa kalikah kau mengatakan cinta kepadaku, di dalam kepalamu itu, setiap jengkal tiga puluh menit, dalam satu hari?

Jadi, beritahu aku, dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 10, apakah kau memikirkan hal yang sama, seperti yang kupikirkan, setiap jengkal tiga puluh menit, hari ini?

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April 10, 2012

bokura ga ita

They say that a memory.. is something you reconstruct depending on small fragments of recollections in your mind.

They say that remembering is the same as seeing an illusion.. What is an existence?

What if.. we had stopped there, or if we'd turned the corner.. What if we hadn't stumbled over pebbles, or even gotten lost, what if we'd never stopped.. What if back then.. what if.. what if..

Innumerable small choises led me onto the road I'm on now. When I was right, and when I was wrong. I always me. You, him, anyone, everyone.. it's allright now.

The sad times, the happy times, all of them are precious memories. So I pray..

Please, let these forever be precious memories.. For you as well.

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