December 31, 2013
Good Bye!
Much Love. And beyond.
December 26, 2013
Rumah rasa kosan
Lalu ada kejadian ini: sakit gigi. Damn blame everything to geraham dewasa, dia tumbuh mendorong gigi-gigi depannya. Di tiga spot: Kanan atas, kanan bawah, kiri atas. What a !*^#(^$%*!)@ right? Masalahnya adalah sakitnya sepanjang hari dan itu sangat mengganggu kehidupanku. Dan guess what dentist told me? "Ini tempat buat tumbuhnya nggak cukup soalnya rahangnya kan kecil, kalaupun bisa tumbuh dia bakal tumbuh nggak normal, soalnya tempatnya nggak cukup (iya diulangi lagi)". Dunia memang kejam (part 2)
Ah rumah tidak pernah sesepi ini.
Aku lapar.
December 22, 2013
Yang terlewatkan
Kesempatan cuma datang sekali.
Dan sekalinya dikasih kesempatan yang sama, lagi (dan mungkin lagi), nggak semua orang menyadarinya, nggak semua orang memanfaatkannya dengan semestinya.
Lalu menyesal.
December 12, 2013
Yah lebih bagus sih kalau diperjelas dong -_-
"Kasih aku kode dong, kamu nangkep kodeku atau enggak, atau apa aku salah ngira kalau kamu ngasih kode ya, moro hanya delusi"
December 9, 2013
Lucu disaat kamu menyadari kamu terlambat. Di mana waktu yang menjadi kendala. Selisih jalan. Beberapa kali.
December 8, 2013
They said "Evi" is like nama jadul
I think I may or may not be having names issue hahahahaha. Even my family makes me confused sometimes. But it's okay.
Ah I think I miss my long hair.
December 6, 2013
Lagi pingen cheesecake shang ri la tapi uangku sudah mepet
Kamu tau nggak? Kita itu seperti puzzle. Kamu puzzle di bagian sana, aku puzzle di bagian sini. Kita berusaha keras supaya klik, tapi pola kita berbeda. Yep.
December 2, 2013
November 30, 2013
Another vacancy opened for real, now. like now.
I'm sick of that
I'm sick of you
I'm sick of being sick
well done.
November 25, 2013
Because the wheels are round and swirl and twirl, dear
And things won't go exactly the way it was.
So i'm wondering about things i decided on. And i just realized that, i should be thankful for all i had, that whatever the choices i made, just do it gladly so even if it was a wrong path, you will have no regret for choosing it later. And when someday you do regret choices you made, just be thankful for what you have, and been through. Praise yourself for passed it through because you're still alive anyway. Don't count stars on sky because while you do, some worth things might just get bored for waiting over you.
It happens again.
Yep i knew i shouldn't took my feelings up now that my heart sink again, ha! Sometimes i thought i have such sensitive issues. And other times i thought it's that you who had the issue. So can we just repeat it over and not having those silly acts. *slowly drowning myself into a deep*
November 23, 2013
And we will be just like Ted and Marshall and Barney
November 18, 2013
Seharusnya ini adalah hal yang mudah
Dalam berbagai aspek, memangnya sejak kapan mencintai dan dicintai menjadi hal yang begitu rumit. Iya, ini pertanyaan retoris dan saya nggak butuh tanda tanya tertera di belakangnya.
Suti (bukan nama sebenarnya)
November 16, 2013
Dan akupun pulang bertelanjang kaki
Ini hari yang lumayan berat. Nggak semua hal yang direncanakan berjalan sesuai rencana. Semesta punya beberapa kejutan rupanya. Dan catatan untuk lain kali aku perlu menyiapkan rencana cadangan. Dan mungkin rencana cadangan untuk rencana cadangan.
Jadi, seperti biasa aku sudah menyusun jadwal hari ini. Dan hampir semuanya gagal. Nasib itu lucu ya.
Hampir semuanya berantakan, dan aku kececeran. Tugas yang nggak jadi terjamah, pengurusan stnk yang dipersulit, hp mati, hujan yang awet, batal nemenin evan, salah naik angkot, kehabisan ojek, pakai sandal flip flop yang notabene tidak ergonomis untuk digunakan berjalan dalam jarak jauh, dan akupun pulang bertelanjang kaki.
Tetap saja, ada beberapa hal yang bisa disyukuri, dan perlu dipelajari :))
I'm in love-hate with wet season
I don't know its just like all those memories flowing back again. I know i mentioned before that wet season and all its rain and grey clouds and chill breeze and emotionally enthusiastic sky is my season. Its just.. Crap. I should have know that rain's breeze brings whatever they like. Back and forth. Rain saves all our memories apparently and mostly. But yeah it's okay now, I'm fine. I just don't like that nostalgic scent. I just don't like recent air. I just don't like being reminded of you. Yet this season is still the season of mine. I'm not gonna let it ruined by stuffy.
November 15, 2013
Publishing my recent assignments
So they were design product 1 and modelling's projects of mine. Hoping the results turned out best lah
Dan aku masih nggak tau apa yang akan kulakukan.
November 14, 2013
November 9, 2013
Bagaimana jika dia juga menganggap bahwa dirinya di friendzone?
Belakangan ini aku punya pekerjaan baru. Mengamati orang. Well, bukannya pekerjaan baru sih sebenarnya, cuma baru kepikiran aja sekarang. Fyi aku bukan tipe orang yang segitu perhatiannya, hanya saja- kadang-kadang. Haha. Lucu aja memperhatikan temen yang lagi jatuh cinta, galau nungguin balesan line dari gebetan, putus terus udah dapet pacar lagi setelah nyaris seminggu, terus putus lagi tiga hari sesudahnya. Ada juga yang bingung sebenarnya digebet atau enggak, ada yang bilangnya nggak ada waktu buat pacaran tapi ttman sama orang, ada yang difriendzone, ada yang memfriendzone,ada yang hidup dan nyawanya kececeran perkara tugas bejibun.
Lucu. Life's ridiculously amazing sometimes, mostly.
Butuh tong sampah, dalam tanda kutip, dengan makna konotasi.
October 31, 2013
Love her anyway
It's not worth yet to be called as best friend if she hasn't ruined your life like at least two times in a row -_-
October 28, 2013
Turning 19 on 3... 2... 1!
Wishing me all the best for infinity and beyond lol hahah!
Welcoming 19, welcoming a brand new better life, it can't be that bad right, it will be okay, it's gonna be super duper ultra okay.
I don't know whether I could buy some gift for myself this year cs I already spent my damn-whole allowance for snacks (you think I'm joking?) soo let's just consider it as a thing hahaha.
Have a blast year, me, I love me too much. And have a blast year too for you guys thanks for the wishes I know it means a lot. Soo, yeah have a nice day XD
Ps. I hope it will be a rain today. Please, God? :)
October 24, 2013
Turning 19, soon.
I'm about to be 19 something counting 3 days from now.
I don't want to grow up.
I know it sounds lame, but I still have plenty thigs to do on my imaginary to do list. And yet I've been thinking of this things, how I waste most of my time, derping around and do nothing way too much for my 18 years whole life.
I wished for a better me.
October 15, 2013
October 4, 2013
It's always nice to hear it
Well, do you realize how people like it, asking questions they've knew the answer is. Admit it I couldn't be the only one kan, it's a common thing I guess.
In relationship, any kind of relationship. You'd ask "do you love me?" or sort of stuffy. Mostly you will ask things to those you knew they do care about you, to those who you knew they'll answer the line that already resounding on your head.
"yes i do"
And anything else doesn't matter anymore.
It's a joy for hearing those. It's better when things left spoken.
September 15, 2013
Beautifully Scattered Trivial Things
I hate my newest cut, it was just too short and apparently I don't like it God please make it grow faster I want my old hair back.
I shouldn't have wasted my almost-whole allowance in two rows of shopping since I don't want to tell parents about it at all.
I regret my decision of repairing my laptop instead of buy the new one. It's surprisingly quite much costy sigh.
I want to loose some weigh my pants just cant fit me in anymore. Double sigh.
I love food, hating exercise. Triple sigh.
But the good news is I spare some of my time to took photos. I'll slip in some that fits the theme, and gonna post some later.
Jaa, have a good day everyone!
August 30, 2013
Another "kratak"
I think i'm having crushes easily. To the point i realize that love is never the same compared to food. And i know i'm not that good at using comparison. So, i'm done with you now. Second so, i'm gonna back to theory about no rose colored life for collegian according to teenager or adult romance novels. Oh how i love making theories.
I envy yet adore them
They made me want to repeat over high school. Do things i haven't and couldn't do earlier. But hey life goes on and i'm still having those superb fabulous awesome besties, waiting for the next adventures we can't do as students.
Just so you know that we also had a gwreat fantastic adolence that can't compared with any anime series ever. See you on top, hey. Love love
Do you ever realized?
That in every good damn teenager or adult romantic novel there was no love story for students on college? Everyone kind a having a rose colored life when they were in school, and work. No place for collegian. Not even once, and i was passed one phase patheticly, blik.
August 28, 2013
I do forget names easily, same way goes for crushes
For the first sentence, yes i really do. Second sentence is just a mere thingy lol
And i got my presence not that pointed out either. It goes two ways apparently, its a simple thing you realized that karma's existence havent vanished yet. And surprisingly its kind a relief knowing people you didnt know their names, knows you-- even though throught shameful occasion one. Its pretty nice though haha.
I'd try my best not to lose you guys names again from now on, in a scout honor yeah!
August 14, 2013
I do love it
When we are all in the car, talking about trivial things, anything. Especially when mudik times, it's a rare chance to gather all members and we have plenty time for chattering before too long.
Mom and dad would talk about how romantic they were back in their dating era, about all the letters sent through the distances and places they went to. And sisters would be jealous over it, wondering when will they be someday. And I would be closing my eyes as I put an earphone, lay my head to window listening to anime themes, and thinking how could both riot and peace come in exactly the same time. Trapped in car for hours could not be that sweet. I don't even mind if time stop as long as we completely having each other, journey, and foods to enjoy.
August 8, 2013
Yes yes yes
And he will be there for me.
Slightly caressed my hair whenever i suffered over nightmare, when a wrinkle appears between my elbow, hold me tightly, and whispered in my ear "ssh it's just me, i am listening to your story, i am here with you now"
August 5, 2013
I was on a bad mood
Hari ini aku terbangun dengan mood berantakan.
Aku nggak tahu apa pemicunya, yang jelas hari ini aku merasa lagi di ambang batas. Lagi nonton jkt48 mission dan ndengerin yuuhi wo miteiruka aja bikin nangis. How funny is that? Entah karena episode hari ini yang bikin prihatin atau apalah, entahlah. Dan karena satu- dua hal yang terjadi di rumah, aku jadi tambah kesal. Aku tahu bahkan hal-hal itu kelewat remeh untuk dipikirkan, tapi emosi yang keluar duluan. Atau ini yang dinamakan sindrom menstruasi, blame everything to stuffy then. As simple as that.
Yah, gejolak hormon.
Tapi setidaknya hari ini aku sempat belanja buku dan beli camilan. Hari ini kalian moodboosterkuー meski bikin tekor sih. Tapi nggak ada yang sia-sia dari beli buku, atau makanan kan.
Dan besok aku sudah mudik. It's gonna be fun, i love doing journeys.
Jaa, have a nice day you guys. Bon voyage, oyasumiii
August 3, 2013
Sejak kapan aku tidak lagi membuka open recruitment ke dalam inner circle?
Entahlah mungkin bukan kata yang tepat untuk mengawali sebuah cerita. Tapi sungguh aku nggak tahu sejak kapan hal ini terjadi. Sejak kapan pula aku jadi lihai memilah-milah orang untuk dapat masuk ke dalam kehidupanku.
Jangan salah paham dulu, mungkin kamu termasuk dalam kehidupanku, dan mungkin juga kamu masuk dalam list orang dalam kehidupan-ku. Berbeda memang hahaha. Dibesarkan menjadi anak pertama, orang tua yang terkadang terlalu memberikan kebebasan, dan adik lebih dari satu nggak membuatku mudah untuk menerima uluran tangan orang lain. Apa yang bisa kulakukan sendiri, lebih baik kulakukan sendiri. Di samping itu, terbesit keinginan untuk nggak merepotkan orang lain terlebih dahulu, sih.
Some says "put your secret in different boxes". Ya, setelah mengalaminya sendiri, kamu bakal merasa itu adalah opsi yang lebih baik ketimbang mempercayakan semuanya di satu orang.
Tapi kalian berbeda, entahlah. Aku selalu nyaman sama kalian, aku bisa saja menceritakan semuanya ke kalian, tanpa takut bakal terekspos begitu saja. Semuanya tiba-tiba menjadi cair, ceritaku, aku, semuanya.
Ini tahun ketiga kita, meski sudah mulai berpencar dan menapaki jalan masing-masing, terimakasih sudah menjadi baskomku (soalnya mangkok kecilik en).
Dan kamu yang lain, terimakasih sudah hadir di kehidupan dan kehidupan-ku.
ありがとう 心から
ありがとう 心から
次は僕が皆にHAPPY 贈るよ
Orange Range - Shiawase Neiro
iya liriknya copas, sori aja tapi laptop si bapak nggak bisa buat nulis jejepunan -_-
Banyak orang yang nggak sadar bahwa mereka mulai hidup demi pujian orang lain
"Beb, fotomu cantik bangeeet"
"Makasih, kamu lebih cantik kook"
"Enggak kook ih :)"
Maksudku, percakapan macam apa itu. Di mataku yang membacanya, yang seperti itu cuma bikin aku muak. Entahlah. Setinggi itukah harga diri manusia, seperlu itukah mempertahankan ego diri.