Lagi coba monokrom. Lagian kan sedang ada di situs sejarah :p |
December 27, 2012
(Bukan) Minggu Tenang
December 3, 2012
Yes, I'm ready
Morning wet streets, violet sky, morning dew, a bus which took me back to reality.
Its still early in the morning, good morning :)
Im not home. Im not ready. Im not okay. Yet I have to. And yes I know I will.
Here I am on a bus, right side next to window.
You know why I prefer take a seat on right side?
So I dont have to see those path, that will lead me home, and feelin sick whenever I leave.
So I could see those path, that will lead me home, and feelin blessed regardless how far it still.
Yes, one should have a house. Wherever it takes, a place where the warmth spread out even if you just think about it. A place which makes you have a short leave and sooner home. A place which makes you feel able to fulfill all the challenges out there.
So I won't give up, not even a little chunk \m/
December 1, 2012
Life of Pi
I want to share you somethin. Here the thing jeng jeng jeeeeeng
Life of Pi!
Have you ever hear about it before?
Its quite famous recently. So, Life of Pi is a movie based on novel. Fyi I had read the novel around my sixth grade if I recall. And I didn't understand about it at all, back then I was just a mere kid anyway Lol. Just remember some pieces of heheh.
Life of Pi tells about a man who share single lifeboat with tiger. So here the short story, Pi-those man- have a zoo on India, oneday his father told him about going abroad and sell the animals and lead a new life on Canada. Unfortunately, the boat he (and the animals, and his family) took had an accident. The boat sunk, his family gone, and he has to share a lifeboat with zebra, hyena, orang utan, and tiger. Hyena eat the zebra first, then he bite orang utan, and he was beaten by the tiger. Pi have no choise, he have to catch some fish in order to survive. Since he didn't want to be aten by the tiger either. They lost for around 200 days or what I dont remember haha. Until someday, they arrived on Mexico and saved by people there, and the tiger went into jungle.
What we can learn by those story is, never lost hope. It show us what people can achieve when they keep on struggling, regardless how bad the situation were. Hope never leave, apparently- until you stop trying.
What make you should watch the movie: beside some points above, it will satisfied for you readers to understand about some pieces of story, just in case you kinda cant imagine some part of. And one thing I underlined, bold, and highlight that the settings, wherever it took, has a supeeeeerb view. You. must. watch. it. by. your. own!
So here some spoiler hihi
"So your story has a happy ending" "It's all up to you" - Life of Pi
Menyakinkan diri
November 19, 2012
Dark sides
I don't wanna leave home
Why you said bunch of crap
Can't you stay in house any longer
I'd be nice if you were here, chatter over the things with me
Why we not move near college
Why you have to go all over nation
Can't your boss's boss place you near your family
Why ospek required in a long long time
Why you not give me any better score
Why surabaya's weather too hot
I dont want to hear your name
I dont want to see you
I dont want to yearning for you anymore
I dont want to go to college
Can I grow for about 5inch taller
Why everyone so pathetic
Cant I just have a simple life, lead the life as I wanted
Why does malang surabaya took many hours to reach
Cant we just skip these couple of year
Why does comics n novels's price keep increasing
I dont want to grow up
When will aphrodite or whatsoever that thingy called smile for me, ever fortuna
Cant we going back to highschool? Its much more pleasant than these stuffs
Why does really nice story have to end
How long I have to wait
Why time keep on moving
Can't you just freeze at the moment, please
When will my life truly begin
Why do me keep grumbling
It's been a while
Source: google |
Halo, selamat menjelang hari baru :D
Sekarang aku lagi di kamar, di Malang. Iya, aku pulang. Dan iya, aku bolos kuliah besok. Sejujurnya, aku nggak tau, bagaimana bisa dulu bersikeras kuliah di luar kota. Ternyata gini rasanya. Kalau nggak jauh, mungkin aku nggak bakal sadar pentingnya keluarga ya.
Kemaren aku pergi ke sekolah. Iya, SMAku. Banyak yang berubah. Untuk sesaat aku sempat lupa, benda mati semacam bangunan ternyata juga bisa berubah. Cuma kenangan yang nggak menua.
Malang ya, ada bau nostalgia tercium dari segala arah. Nyaris tujuh belas tahun aku tinggal di sini, dan kota ini tetap jadi yang terbaik, ternyata.
You know who? Itulah, betah banget nyangkut di otak. Nggak cuma di otakku, sepertinya hampir semua orang bertanya soal dia. Masalahnya, tanyalah ke orang lain. Jangan aku. Sudah cukup aku dibanderol pertanyaan sama hujan dan jalanan yang mulai macet.
Tadi aku nonton breaking dawn. Ya, endingnya benar-benar amat sangat memuaskan. Bahkan melebihi ekspektasi. Salut! Dan sempat terbersit di pikiranku. Kapan aku bakal di hampiri aphrodite, venus, fortuna, atau dewa dewi cinta dan keberuntungan lainnya. Karena sumpah, rasanya pasti menyenangkan, tidak menjadi satu-satunya pihak yang berjuang. Tidak menjadi seorang single fighter, atau sekedar stalker.
Tapi, kalau membayangkan bisa hidup bebas, sendiri, mungkin menjadi sukarelawan pbb, menjadi fotografer, menulis dongeng, menggambar untuk mereka anak-anak yang tidak seberuntung kita, keliling dunia dan dapat mencicipi berbagai macam makanan, berhasil membahagiakan keluarga, punya beberapa teman untuk berbagi. Dan hei, angan itu sepertinya tidak buruk. Hidup seperti itu terdengar menyenangkan malahan.
A man can dream. And sometimes, their dreams come true. If they continue to hope, in faith. All the time.
November 4, 2012
Haruskah kolom ini diisi?
Aku jatuh cinta padamu, mata coklatmu, dan tatapan sekilas yang kau layangkan padaku.
Aku tidak yakin, apa kamu memperhatikanku, atau menangkap basah aku yang sedang memperhatikanmu.
Aku jatuh cinta banyak kali hari ini.
Aku jatuh cinta pada temanmu, matanya yang lentik, dan suaranya yang lembut.
Seseorang yang entah bagaimana terlihat makin tampan hari ini, yang tidak pernah kusadari sebelumnya.
Tunggu, tapi kenapa justru mata coklatmu yang muncul di otakku?
Aku jatuh cinta banyak kali hari ini.
Aku jatuh cinta pada pemain basket bernomor punggung empat, rambut pirangnya, dan tangan yang menyeka keringat di dahinya.
Dan hei, aku baru menyadari sesuatu. Taukah kamu? Dia mirip denganmu.
October 27, 2012
Aria, volume 12
Sayang bila kesenangan saat ini hilang,
karena kita terpaku pada kesenangan masa lalu.
Jadi bukan hanya 'saat itu' yang menyenangkan,
tapi juga 'saat ini'...
Hal yang menyenangkan itu
bukan untuk diperbandingkan.
Ah, satu nasihat.
Hal yang kini kita rasa menyenangkan
hanya bisa kita nikmati sepenuhnya saat ini.
Karena itu, hargailah setiap momen indah
dan waktu saat ini"
...why worry? Just keep on walking, stay in path :)
Three hours to go
Meski lebih awal tiga jam, selamat ulang tahun, Evi.
Semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, sukses, semoga orang-orang yang Evi sayang selalu berada di dalam lingkungan Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Dan yang terpenting; bebas dari nilai Celana Dalam dan Daleman (Apalagi E -_-) It will be muuuuch more than C+! Amiiiin!!!
Dan ini list barang yang kupinginin (just in case for a gift another year :p)
1. Roald Dahl yang se pak
2. Barang-barang berbau Keroro
3. Tiket wisata keliling eropa, hell yeah venice surely included \m/
Dan well, mungkin (pasti) masih ada daftar lain yang bakal segera menyusul lol.
Kado dari aku untuk aku edisi tahun ini?
Well ya, jadi emang udah kebiasaan sih, begini ceritanya. Evi selalu beli kado buat Evi sendiri, setiap tahunnya. Terdengar kayak forever alone? Biar, pokoknya aku bahagia :3
Entahlah apakah novel Kukila dan Tintenblut itu bisa dibilang sebagai kado, sejujurnya aku belum mencari secara khusus sih. Oke kita lihat saja nanti fufu.
Sekali lagi, happy birthday to me me~
October 16, 2012
To be or not to be.. miserable.
And I wish for a rain, today.
October 9, 2012
Random post and random people
Ollaaaaa long time no see, evi desu :D
Sooo, just wanna share another random moment. Here the story goes jengjengjeeeng
I have stranger-friend. Partially. He had lived abroad since 3 so he can't speak bahasa fluently. Well, its not that he can't. He won't. He doesn't care. Yet everyone pick attention to him (absolutely -_-). But he does know bahasa. He loves to complain about everything, grumble over the things. In english. And no wonder I like to hear the stuffs . Not sure if the real geek is he, or me. But it's funny enough to hear ha ha =.=
Aaand, we had a chat yesterday
Le friend: phe nggak ke kelas a?
Le me: ayo! Aku belum belajar buat presentasi nih
Le half-stranger friend: ow, I'd had a presentation too
Le me: oh ya? Kamu presentasi pake bahasa apa? English?
Le half-stranger friend: of course!
Le me: you kiddin me rite?
Le half-stranger friend: yes I'll use english for my presentation lah blah blah blah asdfghjkl
Le me: bule freak -_____-
Well, I do hope he'll survive through the things lol
September 29, 2012
Here I am on my spacy seat
Halo, selamat pagi semuanya!
Sekarang aku sedang dalam perjalanan menuju surabaya, di malang cuma 6 jam. Demi ngambil kamera dan pempek... Well, aku merasa keren -_-
Nggak juga sih, karena aku kangen rumah. Kangen si bapak dan si emak haha.
Dan hal yang kusuka mengenai perjalanan adalah pikiran --entah apapun yang mendadak menyeruak. Dan sialnya, perjalanan tadi malam adalah perjalanan galau. Aku rindu aku yang dulu, aku mulai muak sama segala tetek bengek sebagai mahasiswa hahaha. Tapi seharusnya aku bersyukur, dipilihkan jalan yang sesuai dengan keinginanku. Memang nggak ada yang selalu mudah kan. Seseorang mungkin perlu latihan ekstra sebelum bisa berlari tanpa ngos-ngosan. Jadi, sudalah bersyukur aja :)
Dan satu hal, kukira aku sudah berhenti dan menyelesaikan sesuatu, tapi lalu tiba-tiba aku dihentak sama kenyataan, sepertinya masih belum selesai. Tapi sekali lagi, bersyukur aja :)
Life must go on, so do the show.
Eat bitter taste sweet.
Yah have a nice day fellas! Have a nice dream, evi haha gotta sleep, ngantuk.
Nah, ja na~
September 19, 2012
Just wanna share the moments
So here we go, it's me again :D
Despro seru!
Itu kesan pertama yang kudapat selama aku di its ini... Despite the fact that I can hardly breath, craving for good grade T^T
But it's fun enough though, Imma curious abt where this path will take me to.
Jadi, di despro selama pengkaderan diwajibkan untuk memakai dresscode, dan itu tergantung dari kitanya sendiri. Dan ini seru banget! I'm proud for bringing a big sketchbook everywhere, wearing quirky outfit etc. I love to be different, I'm glad being
Overly exited me is in seventh heaven lol
Hence I slip in some photos, mada-mada da ne though, long path ahead. Stay tune, gonna update the rest.
Later :D
Tanda pengenal |
Masquerade party, Komunitas expo \m/ |
Pajamas party |
Suporter timnas |
Dies natalis ITS 25! \:D/ |
September 9, 2012
Pasti gara-gara sibuk buat uan snmptn dkk (dalih)
I'm on a swinging mood particularly -_-
Sudah sekitar lima hari ini badan panas-dingin-panas-dingin, mungkin besok aku bakal berubah jadi dispenser hahaha.
Btw lihat apa yang kutemukan dari folder masa SMAku yang terbengkalai:
Salah satu dari proyek awal yang kugarap pake SAI, ini waktu kelas 1 SMA kalau nggak salah. Ah jadi kangen :"
Jadi yang di atas itu sket awalnya
Dan yang ini.... mulai ngewarnain yang nggak terselesaikan *blushing*
Ah jadi malu haha.
Promise, bakal menggunakan waktu dengan lebih bijak lagi. Nggak cuma tidur dan males-malesan.
Adolescence is not to be wasted.
Ambil pensil dan cat-mu, bangunkan lagi otak kananmu! yeaaaah \m/
September 8, 2012
And it will be a Yes
rarely talk to each other
just share some clandestine gaze
and yet
your brown eyes
like a drown-me invitation
and hell
your smile, the way you laugh
and I
can hardly breath
that very moment I knew
I'm really into you.
Meet my new friend!
It's HIS loh, not her
Yeah, jadi ceritanya ini cowok yang manis begituu :3
Antonio? Well, dia harus kutinggal di rumah, he's having his sacred mission faraway from me :""""""
Gotta move on dari cowok (benda) ganteng-keren ke cowok (benda juga) ganteng-manis hahaha.
Nimbus adalah cowok ganteng-manis yang keren!
Dia menemaniku dari malang sampai kosan dengan selamat dan sehat walafiat -- meski sempat nyasar setengah jam di sidoarjo, dan muter-muter dulu di surabaya karena nggak tau jalan -_-
Jadi begini, berhubung hari itu stnk dan tetekbengeknya sudah jadi semua, dan aku harus balik ke surabaya, muncullah ide laknat nan gila itu. Hanya berbekal nekat dan empat halaman peta bikinan bapak yang notabene nggak begitu jelas mulai dari daerah sidoarjo -_-
Sekitar satu jam pertama waktu nyetir, aku mulai menyesali tindakan bodoh itu, udah nekat padahal nggak pernah pergi ke surabaya lewat jalur sepeda motor, dalam kondisi sakit lagi uhuk.
But somehow I made it! Kinda surprised yet proud with my self.
September 4, 2012
That flows just won't stop
Ephe mau mendongeng.
Entah, hari ini capek sekali, padahal baru kuliah hari kedua. Dan ditampar oleh kenyataan bahwa otak kananku nggak bekerja seefektif dulu lagi, nggak seliar dulu lagi.
Entah, kenapa aku malah mengalami degradasi.
Entah entah entah.
Am a dusty blunt knife yet sharpened, once again, onegaishimasu sharpener.
Tolong, otak kanan, kembalilah seperti dulu. Saat imajinasimu meluber keluar.
Aku butuh.
Severe homesick.
Yes finally I felt that way.
Entah, mungkin karena kecapean sm ini itu, jd kangen rumah. Aku bosan sendirian di kos, dan rasanya kelewat sepi. Aku kangen kasurku di rumah, rak buku penuh komik, keluargaku, kili, antonio.
Seharusnya aku ngerjakan tugas sekarang. Seharusnya aku ambil lagi pensil, dan sketchbook itu. Seharusnya aku nggak di sini, mendongeng.
Dan ephe hidup bahagia selamanya (amin)
Back to desk!
August 31, 2012
I love both of em, both music and lyrics also lol. If only there's a way for them to sync together <333
Menjawab Sebuah Keheningan
A novel written by my friend, contains super fine 12 short stories, and there's my name on thanks to -page muahaha. It's the second time my name mentioned on such pages, both on my favorite media: novel dan komik, ah udah berasa kayak orang keren aja :3
Bakal segera beredar di toko buku terdekat, sila dibeli :D
Dan Evi sudah memilih.
And Imma going to stop for being forever-masochist, real soon.
August 30, 2012
Here I am on my little room
Bagaimana rasanya menjadi anak kos?
Biasa aja, mungkin karena perkuliahan belum dimulai ya. Tapi nggak enaknya harus ngurus segala sesuatu sendiri, tapi aku nggak begitu masalah dg hal ini, di rumah juga dibiasain begitu sih, dan jg harus benar-benar memanage keuangan. Padahal aku termasuk orang yang boros. Tapi fyi borosku nggak sama kayak cewek pada umumnya. They spend money for clothes make up shoes etc. Me? I'm saving up money to buy a mountain of snacks and books -___-
Sempet sih kangen rumah, kayak sekarang ini, karena perkuliahan belum mulai kan, jd sedikit nganggur juga, cuma masih ngurus frs dan kumpul ngurus tugas angkatan.
Less than 4 years for your own good, vi. Keep it up! Semangaaaat!
np: JKT48 - Sonichi
August 29, 2012
Akbar anak lebay
Ini. Buku buat Akbar, anak absurd yang notabene bakal merantau ke belanda demi menggapai cita dan asa *tssah
Berkat dedikasi yang tinggi, dan kerja keras (mulai dari bingung nyari plong-plongan sampe mengusir akbar dr rumahnya sendiri) dari temen-temen intersection, akhirnya buku itu lahirlah. Jadi isinya beberapa fotonya, temen-temen sekelas, saly sang pacar, dan bungkus indomie (aku nggak tau kalau di belanda ternyata jg ada indomie -_-). Dan judulnya agak alay. Iya, ephe yang bikin, jangan protes -_-
Bikinnya sendiri butuh waktu dua jam, belum termasuk kalang kabut nyari lem dan semacamnya, yang berakhir pinjem barang-barang dari rumah Akbar sendiri, duh melas.
Tapi ternyata dia seneng dapetnya, ah bahagia :3
Semangat dan selamat merantau, Akbar! (dan temen-temen yang lain), we love you! Asal jangan lupa oleh-oleh kincir anginnya *plak
Dan aku baru tau dari yeye, buku semacam itu namanya scrapbook. Oh, keren. Catat, catat.
Gang keputih 1c, notok, cat oren, kamar angka keramat *hanya mitos*
Ola, Evi desu :3
Oke, mulai beberapa hari yang lalu Evi resmi jadi anak kos.
Dan dunia harus tau!! HUAHAHAHAHAA *ketawa ala pahlawan bertopeng*
August 19, 2012
Halo, ini aku lagi.
Oke, aku lagi sedih. Pake banget.
Prepare yourself! Very-long-post apocalypse is coming!
Happy eid mubarak for all muslim in entire spaceee~
Happiness lingers everyone nih hehe. Lebaran adalah saat dimana dibuka lebarnya pintu maaf, dan pintu perut lol. One thing I loved the most abt the stuffs: panen makanan.
Jadi begini ceritanya, peningkatan berat badan saat puasa menunjukkan ketidakberhasilan seseorang dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan saat berbuka. Sooo literally, aku tidak menghayati esensi dari puasa haha. Nggak berhenti di situ, waktu keliling silaturahim ke keluarga-keluarga dan tetangga-tetangga kesabaran bakal diuji, ketika kita disuguhkan kepada pilihan yang berat: makan banyak cemilan atau ngambil-sedikit-sih-tapi-lantas-mbontot lol.
Mari berdoa bagi kestabilan berat badan seluruh umat muslim di dunia O:)
Dan di balik kebahagiaan, pasti ada kesedihan membayangi (iya ini dasarnya emang lagi galau, sst gtfo lah). Jadi seperti pada umumnya, kegiatan kepo cuma menghasilkan nyesek dan galau. Yeah, ini tentang you-know-who (lagi). Sejujurnya aku bosaaaaaan sekali. Tapi apadaya hati sangat bandel. Menyebalkan. Nah here we go, sepertinya dia sudah menemukan seseorang (lagi) and I'm pretty sure about it, 80% deh. Dan ya. Itu. Bikin. Sesak.
So here we go again, back to a couple of years ago. Serupa tapi tak sama.
Sejujurnya, untuk kesekian kalinya, aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri: "ini Tuhankah yang nggak adil, atau kehidupan, atau malah aku? Lantas sebenarnya definisi dari adil itu apa?"
Yang lalu kujawab "kalau gitu, definisi bodoh itu apa?"
That's it! Dan sejauh ini, belum ada jawaban yg memuaskanku.
Sebenarnya aku bertanya gt jg bukannya tanpa alasan. Aku sebal, sama ketidakadilan, sama dunia, sama diriku sendiri, sama apapun itu. Contohnya you-know-who, ibaratnya dia itu pindah rumah, tapi cuma beda blok aja.
Dan aku? Dengan gebleknya malah bikin rumah di pedalaman gurun gobi.
Bukan berarti aku iri (well, sedikit) atau keburu pgn dapet pengganti, I'm determined and keep the faith though. Itulah, kata kasarnya sih susah move on.
Dan kata lain yang serupa: idiot.
Am I ended it miserably? Nope. Im tired of dram. I dont want to be trolled by these fu*king stuff ever again! Even though it was painful so I just want to rip my self apart or suffocate or simply lompat ke jurang, aku nggak mau menjalani hidup yg menyedihkan seperti severus snape (no offense haha).
Dan nih, kukatakan secara gamblang. Ya, aku masih cinta kamu. Sedalam, selebar, sepanjang, dan seluas biasanya. Dan ya, aku benci kamu. Tapi one thing you should know about: I really do hope you're doing well, and live joyful life. Stop begging for apologize, it was past, and you -and me- deserved better. Dan aku nggak pernah mengutuk kamu. Well, mungkin sudah kalau aku seorang penyihir, but lucky you I'm not.
August 13, 2012
Old stuffs
Here, I put on some sketch from my sketchbook.
It's been a while, and it's old, my drawing was.. lol
...even now too lololol -_- _-_
New hair, old me
Not much change lah hahaha
I tried to cut it up till my shoulder, but I just can't, don't even dare if I recall how much time I spent for lengthen it, so it ended up with my old style, with a lil layer added, can you see? lol
And about issue new-you-on-your-new-hair? Well, screw you whoever spread the rumor. I still feel the same -_-
Currently me is on her boredom state. How I wish I can just pick the money up from my mango tree instead of mangoes lol
There are plenty of books I want to buy, but okaneganaai T^T
August 9, 2012
Masih belum panjang-lebar
Sudah lama nggak memakai bahasa ibu pertiwi hahaha. I'm on my way to improving my english though hehe
Oke, hari ini aku resmi tercatat sebagai mahasiswa di ITS, literally, karena tadi habis ada semacam upacara peresmian senat.
Omong-omong aku masuk prodi desain produk. Kenapa bisa? Yah begitulah, sebenarnya lebih ngiler ke DKV sih, tapi sudahlah, semoga despro jauuuh lebih menyenangkan :D
Lalu, tadi kami beberapa anak despro diundang Mela merayakan ulang tahunnya. Karena Surabaya begitu besaar, dan saya nggak tau jalan, maka nyasar terdengar begitu masuk akal. Yah well, aku nyasar. Untung nyasarnya berdua sama Niki, dan untungnya lagi nggak ada cegatan polisi. Yah dasar dilema anak yang belum punya SIM.
Ternyata dunia perkuliahan itu luas banget ya, bisa ketemu sama orang-orang dari macam-macam daerah. Nah hal ini secara nggak langsung menggarisbawahi bahwa duniaku nggak cuma seputar rumah-kampus-kosan-dan toko buku-warung-serta pom bensin. Tapi dunia itu juga kecil, tau-tau ketemu sama orang yang pernah dikenal, atau mungkin kenalan sama orang yang ternyata kenalannya kenalan kita. Rumit? Enggak kok trololololol.
Dan juga, sepertinya logatku bakal kembali ke jaman awal SMA di mana bahasa jawa serasa bahasa dari planet Uranus. Okaeri, Bahasa Indonesia, we meet again finally. Dan semoga nggak dicaci-maki (lagi) sama temen-temen lama -_-
Anyway, malam ini malam terakhir aku di kosan, Imma going to home tomorrow yeaaaah! Dan you know what? Aku naik kereta ke Malang, rame-rame sama temen-temen smanti. Seneng rasanya sempet kumpul setelah sekian lama, kami bahkan ngadain buber loh, gonna post the photos later. And it's been a while since I took a train, the last time I went with you-know-who. Dan ini membawa sedikit uap kenangan sejujurnya, haha.
Btw, aku sedang sebel sama seseorang. Anak its, sepertinya (kemungkinan besar) dia naksir aku (semoga bukan gr) tapi aku benci caranya. Aku sebel sama semua rentetan smsnya, aku sebel sama semua tumpukan mentionnya, aku sebel menyadari kenyataan bahwa dia ngestalk segala sesuatu di socmedku, dan semua ini nggak mungkin terjadi kalau aja dia nggak bilang semacam kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa dia naksir, di menit ketiga kami smsan.
Btw lagi, aku bosan dibilang imut dan manis sama semua orang.
Btw laginya lagi, aku bosan sama bekas jerawat di pipi kanan yang nggak ilang-ilang sejak 2 bulan yang lalu.
Btw laginya laginya lagi, maaf untuk postingan yang panjang #trollface
August 6, 2012
There's a new mail for youuu
Pinky promise should be replaced by bluish promise. It gives you pretty clear purpose: to bring you to a blue-life.
See, at least it doesnt deceive you from the very start.
...just saying. Haha.
Ps. If you checked out your email, you'll find smthing. But please, do it asap (hell yes, it's a telepathy, can't help it, what else did you wish for?)
August 4, 2012
Trust me old songs are gwreaat
And so Adhitia Sofyan's is my choice
Np: Deadly Storm Lightning Thunder
I’m waiting underneath it all
All the mess and the chaos you’ve caused
Now you’re nowhere to be found
The meaning of unconditional love
When it puts you faced down on the ground
You’re out there sailing away
Lightning thunder will strike you
It hits your head so hard you’ll come to me
They’re greener on the other side
And the sun will shine brighter everyday
I guess that’s where all the light goes
Remember to go out and have fun
You could spend the day out in the ocean
I heard the water’s fine over there
And somewhere out there I’m sure God is watching you close
Lightning thunder will strike you
It hits your head so hard you’ll come to me
Some says, songs tell you your story better than you do. Well, I do admit it~
And by the way, this is my last night on my room (literally, I'm on my father's room now haha), with these laptop (can't bring it since I took a bus, too heavy hiks), and these delicious snacks (I'll make sure to smuggle em on my bag!) before I went to college tomorrow dawn. Gonna back for 6 days though hihi.
Oyasumi, have a tight sleep ya :)
Boredom state
Bored with some miserably boring stuffs I posted recently? Yeah me too lol
So, here we go again. Stop being galau already! Well, Imma tired with currently common anime. It brings too much colour that I'd might be tore my eyes haha. In any case, I would like to watch ghibli's anime, it contains soft colour so it rehabilitate both my eyes and mind hahaha. It's not like I dislike very-bright-colored anime though, it's just sometimes I feel bored, watchin all those sparkling movements (yeah it looked like right that in ma eyes) for hours. Called me old fashioned if you want to, I don't mind. But I do mind abt existence of my brain, it have to be refreshed for a moment to lead its long live haha, but thanks to technology, I love to watch how animation get more real nowadays. I love how skirt waves and hair moves freely in the air. Viva technologyyy! Im glad to be born in this era, but it will be so much fun if I can travel through the time :3
August 3, 2012
July 27, 2012
Falling Falling Falling
Bonjour! It's early morning here.
And I feel like a gum pfft.
A gum
A gum
A gum
I'm feeling like a gum.
Whatsoever, just back to sleep already.
Np: Teardrops on my guitar - Taylor Swift
July 24, 2012
Reaching for dreams
Time flies, people come and go. But the truly one always remain here.
Ola, Evi hereee :D
Happy ramadhan anyway. Well, yesterday my friends and I had a incidental gathering on Totoy's house. At first I intend to pay for my credits debt haha and then everyone come. Well, realizing our time was limited, before we have to separate for reaching our own dreams, it was a really nice time back then. We just talk over and over again and suddenly 7 hours has passed by. Woaaah, so we decided to eat out somewhere then had a chat (again) until its really dark and cold outside.
Yes, I gonna miss you guys for sure. And yes, I love you, all. May God let these time repeated again, someday when we can bring up a lot of success on our own hands, and we will shared stories abt all of our dreams that come true. Surely :)
July 22, 2012
Long live, you
I don't have many words to say but live fully and happily ever after. May God endow you and your dreams, because they're closer than you've seem :)
July 15, 2012
July 6, 2012
Manusia = Makhluk yang aneh
Aku bingung. Apakah sudah menjadi takdir manusia, untuk nggak pernah puas, pingen memiliki segala sesuatu, plin plan, dan mayak?
July 4, 2012
Ci***, definisi dari kata konyol
Kulihat, ada kata yang tersangkut di sana.
"What will it take to make or break this hint of love?" - The Saltwater Room, Owl City
June 26, 2012
Biarkan Saja Mereka Berkata Apa
Temanku bilang aku cuma pecundang.
Tidak, mereka salah. Setidaknya aku cukup berani untuk melihatnya dari balik pilar kantin. Setidaknya aku cukup berani mengintipnya dari celah buku yang sengaja kuberdirikan di tengah pelajaran. Oh baiklah, mungkin aku memang sedikit pecundang. Sekali lagi, kutekankan pada kata sedikit. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi, dia adalah primadona sekolah kami. Lelaki yang tidak melirik dirinya mungkin sudah sinting. Dan itu berarti aku adalah lelaki waras.
Aku suka sekali melihatnya tertawa, setengah pipinya yang dihiasi secuil lesung membuatku mabuk kepayang. Rambutnya yang selalu tergerai ikal menebarkan wangi stroberi, manis.
(Bukan, aku bukan maniak. Salahkan saja angin yang membawa bau itu saat kami berselisih jalan)
Dan aku suka sekali ketika dia datang menghampiriku dan berkata (dengan suaranya yang merdu) "Ayo masuk kelas, Pak Guru"
Ah, mungkin sesekali menjadi pecundang bukanlah hal yang buruk.
June 19, 2012
School's Over
Ah fortunately there were ppl that bring some cam on, so I know how my face are, too embarrassed to see my reflection in the mirror hahaha
It gonna bring many precious memory I sure. Mataaimasho, minna :)
np: Tenshi Ni Fureta Yo - HTT
June 17, 2012
Secuil bongkahan yang dilupakan
"do you ever had this wish, being somewhere else, to let go all your disguise, all your worries too" - lene marlin
Aku lelah.
Lelah menjadi boneka. Menjadi patung. Memakai topeng dan menjadi anak baik.
Aku lelah.
Diberi setumpuk harapan, tidakkah kalian mengerti? Operasi melebarkan pundak itu mahal sekali, tahu.
Aku lelah.
Mereka bilang, jadilah apapun. Lalu kemudian mereka mencoba mengutak-atik tubuhku, menautkan benang di sana-sini, membuatku bergerak sesuai keinginan mereka.
Aku lelah.
Tidak dihargai, atas segala upaya yang sudah kulakukan. Kenapa kalian tidak pernah puas? Tidakkah kalian mengerti, seberapa besar perjuanganku? Bahkan mengharapkan sekadar ucapan 'hebat ya, kamu telah berusaha' pun rasanya terlalu mewah.
Aku lelah.
Membungkus semua keperihan dengan selembar senyum. Bahkan untuk mengharapkan seseorang yang mau mendengarkan ceritaku terdengar terlalu konyol.
Biarlah. Kupeluk diriku sendiri.
June 10, 2012
(mungkin) ada yang lebih penting
Ketika kamu membaca ini, kuharap kamu mengerti.
Bahwa tak tersirat sedetikpun dendam tersuratkan untukmu.
Ketika kamu membaca ini, kuharap sudah kumaafkan diriku sendiri.
Tak perlu mencemaskanku, ada hati yang harus kau jaga.
Dan ada hati yang perlu kurawat.
June 9, 2012
I'm officially graduated today.
Can't believe, time flies so faaast, and I have to prepare the brand new pages.
Well, our kebaya is black, and I had to wear make up. It's agonize a lot, I can't hendle it any longer, if the time were too long. Its just one hours and my hands began itchy just to put it off. Aargh. Cant understand how could fashionist girls survive through those shitty things *sigh* anw you-know-who looked handsome today. Very muuuuch and I'm not over it yet huhu. If only I were his girl *deep sigh* yaah, its been a long time back then *really deep sigh*
Oh stop it me -_-
And well, Im officially ikasmariagitma now. Tonite we had a farewell. Gonna tell you after, oh, and Ill put on some photos later. Konnichiwa, have a nice weekend xoxo
June 4, 2012
Seperti angin menghembus daun pada gugurnya, semudah itu aku dapat mengenalimu di keramaian, pun di keremangan senja.
Ini berbahaya, terlalu berbahaya. Sudahlah, jangan mendorongku semakin ke dasar, pun jangan menarikku.
May 26, 2012
Perjuangan Belum Berakhir
Err.. how to begin...
Yattaaaaa, the result is not that good though, yet quite satisfied with my own answers, I refused to cheat loh huahaha
The next goal is SNMPTN wuwuwu, praying for parent's sweetest smile on the announcement day of. Amiiiiin. Fightiiiiinnggg! \m/
May 22, 2012
Dag Dig Dug
I feel pretty bad today. I caught a flu, and had no money hahaha.
Well, our graduation announcement will be confirmed this Saturday. Ah my heart is pounding, doki-doki ughhh.
Let's pray for the best result. Amen.
Oh, and another wish for money-rain in my room XD
May 20, 2012
You describe my feelings
falling into the asphalt
by *Pink-PromiseI am the city you said,
And I was every city light
Every fashion show every red carpet
And the flash lightning of every camera
You told me I was the city, so I took your hand
And never looked back, I ran through the streets
With you at my heels, laughing, smiling, living
I am the city you said, and I carved highways---;
and i blew kisses to the wind, filled the streets with seethingly fast asphalt,
everywhere i stepped, bridges waltzed apart.
You were the lights and sounds, to my cityscape
flashing and blinking against my skyscrapers;;
we melded together forming a nothingness of bliss
my city with your noises and radiance, while you shield
away the darkness.
but as this brightness grows darker and these light wingers grow heavier,
you eyes seem to be tainted with uncertainty that makes me think;
there is traffic, confusion, indecision in your sweet words and cherry pavements
you never notice that you always hold me with your right hand
but your heart; it is beating on the left side.
Once the brightness leaves the only thing left for me to do
Is to be consumed by the darkness, and hope for you to pull me back out
Your hesitation leaves me with despair
Hold me close, keep me near
I need you now more than ever for never
I'm living in this city, and my heart beats with the center of the city
ten million people living in the same city, riding the same subway in the morning and back at four o'clock rush hour,
the same people descending the same stairs
the same people boarding the same train
I'm living in this city without you at my side
Seeing you on the streets without you really there
I see your eyes and your smile on the faces of strangers
Hoping they're you, even though I know you're miles away
sometimes i think, they are all just dice and numbers and letters, thrown at random and mixed and scrambled so that it looks different every time. that it's the same people sitting opposite me, with the same sad faces and the same dark circles beneath their eyes, that it's all the same.
You make me think of all the possibilities that can't come true
All the reasons to live, to hope, to smile, to laugh
Without even saying something you fuel me indefinitely
So now tell me, why does everything I say seem cliché
And in every way that you hurt me with your wordplay
i am still here, hoping for another day
[there's nothing new under the sun]
your hair is untangling itself from my desperate grasp
your words are unscrambling themselves to form a passionate four letter word which starts 'H'
I can feel your breath growing calmer
Valentine's red is growing fader
your smiles are never shown to me again
our memories are woven together as one
but they are leaking through our heartbeats
falling falling falling onto the asphalt
and drowning in our tears
Mataaimasho, Itsuka
Did you remember? 3 years ago, we two promised to rebuilt everything we broke, made a brand new pages, together.
Yeah I remember. Aren't you?
Irony right, everything twirling and I feel like swirling. Yet I still intent to keep my own promises, and my words though. I felt every inch of pain I tore to you, while struggling the wound you incised that getting bigger every single day.
Walking out from your life, perhaps was my best gift I can give.
I hope life treats you kind. I hope you have all you've dreamed of. And I wish to you, joy and happiness.